Enjoy the artistry of the past! Using a collage of intricate vignettes featured on vintage stock and bond certificates, Stock Search International Inc. is proud to offer a series of four original black & white greeting cards displaying the "art" of financial history.
We offer four unique design selections for the history-minded individual:
Bald Eagles
Your Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Home Telephone:
Work Telephone:
E-mail Address:
I would like to order the following greeting cards.
Please indicate the number of boxes:
_____ Bald eagles (box of 8 cards)
_____ Industrial (box of 8 cards)
_____ Mining (box of 8 cards)
_____ Railroad (box of 8 cards)
_____ Mixed (box of 8 cards - 2 of each design)
Total Price for Cards: $10.00 per box, 4 boxes for $35.00
$ _____ Amount for Cards
Shipping Fee: $2.50 for the first box, $1.25 for each additional $6.00 when buying 4 boxes $12.50 for international orders, up to 4 boxes
$ _____ Amount for Shipping
$ _____ TOTAL
Credit Card
_____ Visa
_____ Mastercard
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Cardholder Signature